Elrond Samurai NFT Collection

ElrondSamurai is the beginning of a brand, a timeless artwork in the form of NFT , built on Elrond Blockchain but able to travel all around the world. .

What is Elrond Samurai?

The Base of the project is to develop a platform dedicated to art, and artists of all sorts, a place where new artists , beginners , as well as experienced artists can share their knowledge , exchange ideas , collaborate and expand themselves. A platform where art can be learned and shared with the world , creating a community that share the same love for art. ElrondSamurai project is dedicated in rewarding more than receiving.

Get your Samurai
Chapter I - Elrond Samurai

Genesis Collection with a supply of 2500 unique NFTs. Few of them will have super rare traits like golden bracelet, rare backpack , rare shoes.

Chapter II - Samurai Masks

3D renders / a unique collection containing 1500 NFTs. Will offer 100 WL spots presale ( lower price ) for the early adopters of the first collection, but also from Discord contests.

Chapter III - Epiloque

A unique 3D ElrondSamurai with special characters ex: ( animal mounts , pets ) , characters that will have 3 traits : common / epic / legendary


  • Launch first collection ElrondSamurai ( Genesis ) with a supply of 2500 unique NFT s , just few of them will have super rare traits like golden bracelet, rare backpack , rare shoes.
  • Create and strengthen the development of the team , create a project website as well as discord channel.
  • Random Art Contests on Discord with lots of prizes in Egld, mex, iset, and NFT s to be won.
  • When the first collection will reach 80% sales the rest of 20% will be randomly distributed to the early adopters having priority, and some will go at random to holders Up to stock lasts.
  • Extend Community, partners and move closer in development of a platform dedicated to art / artists. 90% of the team profits will be allocated to this.
  • Release a Special NFT Collection ( Chapter 3 Epilogue ) A unique 3D ElrondSamurai with special characters ex: ( animal mounts , pets ) , characters that will have 3 traits : common / epic / legendary
  • I am always opened to collaborations with other projects that have similar visions , or even different, with the purpose to help and encourage creation of more art and a more creative space for anyone.
  • At Every 100 Mints I will gift 5 EGLD to 5 Random wallets that minted ( 1 EGLD Each ) , At The collection sold out , or reach the 80 % mark which ever comes first I will gift 100 EGLD to 10 Random Wallets that minted ( 10 EGLD Each )
  • Random airdrops Giveaways and rewards to holders and new comers as well , along the whole way of all 3 collections.
  • Development of a smart contract to distribute Mex/LMex as rewards to holders every month.
  • Develop the second Collection ElrondSamurai ( chapter 2 / SamuraiMasks ) 3D renders / a unique collection containing 1500 NFTs. Will offer 100 WL spots presale ( lower price ) for the early adopters of the first collection, but also from Discord contests.
  • Launch the second collection after the presale.
  • Engage and extend partnerships on the platform , promotion of young artists , upcoming artists , tutorials, exchange of experiences, self evolvement and social networking. Shine light and create a world where artists can reach their full potential.
  • Side Note : Development of a game ElrondSamurai, where you can play with your ElrondSamurai NFT and earn tokens and game coins ESAM that you can use to buy more ElrondSamurai NFTs or in game items , is in plan as well , it all depends on the evolving of the base project.

Meet our TEAM

I Love creating Art inspired by own emotions and experiences. Every piece of art i make is 100 % original artwork , 100% one of a kind in the whole wide world, no duplicates no alikes, NFT for me is a New Era of opportunities that my whole life has led.

Founder & Artist




Looking for answers?

What is ElrondSamurai?

ElrondSamurai is the beginning of a brand, a timeless artwork in the form of NFT , built on Elrond Blockchain but able to travel all around the world.
The first collection of 2500 unique NFTs with Samurai theme design.

How can I see my ElrondSamurai NFT ?

You can see your ElrondSamurai NFTs on the Maiar app or Elrond web wallet.

How can I buy a ElrondSamurai NFT ?

You can find the mint button on our website, on our main Mint Marketplace Isengard.io , or other secondary markets Deadrare.io, Trust.market, FrameIT.gg, Yubei.io , eneftor.com, elrondnftswap.com etc.

What are the benefits for being the owner of a ElrondSamurai NFT?

- Unique Artwork
- DAO benefit
- LMEX rewards
- Random EGLD drops
- Discounts to future ElrondSamurai implementations ( Merch, NFTs, Game, TBD )

What is DAO ?

A decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), sometimes called a decentralized autonomous corporation (DAC).
A community led entity with no central authority, transparent and fully autonomous.
Proposals, voting, develop under the control of the community.

Future plans ?

- Create the second Collection ElrondSamurai ( chapter 2 / SamuraiMasks ) 3D renders / a unique collection containing 1500 NFTs. Will offer 100 WL spots presale ( lower price ) for the early adopters of the first collection, but also from Discord contests.
- Release a Special NFT Collection ( Chapter 3 Epilogue ) A unique 3D ElrondSamurai with special characters ex: ( animal mounts , pets ) , characters that will have 3 traits : common / epic / legendary
- Extend Community, partners and move closer in development of a platform dedicated to art / artists. 90% of the profits will be allocated to this.
- Development of ElrondSamurai Game.
- Many more features to be added along the progress of the project
- This is our first version of the official ElrondSamurai website ( we will keep upgrading and evolve it to its full potential as the project rolls ).